Just An Ordinary Gurlz

Senin, 20 Oktober 2008

When Your heart beat so Fast


baru semalem seneng,,
sudah di cugakke Lage,,,

bener2 bikin gag nentu,,,

dah lama gag nulis,,
maklum lagi gag mood akhir - akhir ini,,

but only hope that everything runs well,,
kek yang gw bilang di awal,,
dari pada gw gag karuan,,
mending gw nulis nulis aja,,
walopun tetep gag karuan,,,
se enggaknya bisa ngeluarin apa yang gw rasa,,

pengen teriak,,

" my faith is true,,,,
What i sayyyy,,
What I feel,,,

hohoho tapi sapa coba yang mo denger klo gw teriak disini,,
jeuh ni blog jadi ajang curhad dah,,

mo dimana lagii coba,,,
huff masih lama ya,,

Pray to God,,
" i wanna u give me only one thing,,
i dunt ask you more,,,
make me calm,, believe me about my thinking,,,
i'm speechless,, i dunno what i wanna say,,,

always pray about one hope,, is there anybody gonna save me right now,,
it's driving me mad,,

wish me luck,,

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